The Use and Abuse of Free Will By Richard Kieninger A clinical psychologist,
Wilson Van Dusen, reported that he was able to hold conversations with his
patients’ hallucinatory voices. Van Dusen wrote that: “One
consistent finding was that patients felt they had contact with another world
or order of beings... .Most thought these other persons were living
persons.... For most individuals, the hallucinations came on suddenly....
All patients describe voices as having the quality of a real voice, sometimes
louder, sometimes softer, than normal voices. The experience they describe
is quite unlike thoughts or fantasies. Many suffer insults, threats and
attacks for years from voices with no one around them aware of it.... Lower
order voices.. find a weak point of conscience and work on it interminably....
The lower order can work for a long time to possess some part of the
patient’s body.... Occasionally they would speak through the patient so that
the patient’s voice and speech would be directly those of the voices.” The above descriptions are
characteristic of obsession by an earth-bound Ego. Obsession is a situation
whereby an earthbound Ego functions through an incarnate Ego’s physical
vehicle in a way that is analogous to normal incarnation. When an Ego
incarnates, he loses conscious recall of his Egoic memory and is limited to
the information contained in his brain. According to Richard Kieninger, when
an earth-bound Ego obsesses an incarnate Ego, he too is unable to express
conscious use of his Egoic memory, and his inroads against the person are
limited to the person’s brain content. Possession, on the other
hand, is the result of a discarnate being (usually a Black Mentalist) gaining
control over a person by telepathic hypnosis. Black Mentalists are
discarnate human Egos who use occult powers to control others. Black
Mentalists came into being as a result of priests of ancient Egypt, India and
Maya developing and using occult powers to control others. Black Mentalism
was perfected in Egypt during Osirian times but its origins go back
millennia before then. In either of the two types
of outside control, obsession and possession, the decarnate spirit does not
enter the person’s body but rather gains partial control of the person’s
brain. All of the Planes of Existence are separated because they are of
different Nutational Rates; however, the brain provides an interface between
the Mental and physical Planes. It is through this interface that an
incarnate Ego controls his own physical vehicle. It is not necessary for an
Ego to be in his body in order to control it. When an Ego allows himself to
be hypnotized, or goes into a trance, or comes under the domination of
outside entities, he has given up exclusive control of his brain to allow
other entities to operate through it. A person’s susceptibility to
domination by other entities usually begins with self-hatred, thus providing
inroads for the decarnate Ego. A person who entertains hateful and fearful
thoughts brings themselves to the lower Astral level where the lower entities
reside. During times of negative thinking the consciousness is tuned to that
of the habitually hateful Egos on the Lower Astral Plane. This opens up
channels whereby the Ego is easily subject to influence by lower order
entities who are then able to reinforce and perpetuate the troublesome and
negative thought patterns. Eventually, the person can become liable to
control by Black Mentalists via telepathic hypnosis. The tie is broken when a
person undergoes transition since a physical vehicle is no longer available
for a decarnate Ego to operate through. However, where witchcraft
is involved, an Etheric Corporation has been formed that creates a
contractual alliance with discarnate Egos that does not cease upon transition
of the Ego to the Astral Plane. An Etheric Corporation is a union of minds
that is based on the Etheric Plane of Existence. Such a corporation may
consist of one or more minds working in close concert. Hence, a change on the
physical plane (such as transition to the Astral Plane) does not necessarily
affect the union. The Etheric Corporation that is a result of enlisting the
aid of nether entities, as in witchcraft, is to be distinguished from other
Etheric Corporations such as those that occur between friends, a husband and
wife, or a group of people working towards a common goal. In obsession,
possession, and witchcraft, an individual has relinquished control of his
body’s Mind/brain interface to another Ego who usually has more mental powers
than the incarnate individual and who definitely has no qualms about any
karmic repercussions that may be involved in his victim’s actions. An Etheric
Corporation usually dissolves if a close association is not maintained;
however, when one is associating with Black Mentalists or lower order beings
via witchcraft, those nether spirits rarely allow the connection to fade. Because a person’s
receptiveness to outside control begins with self-contempt, the people who
are affiliated with the Brotherhoods’ work must be individuals with strong
character and a happy disposition. Anyone who starts to improve himself
becomes the subject of harassment by Black Mentalists, whose overall aim is
to prevent an individual from advancing. One of the Brotherhoods’ main tenets
is that each person must advance through his own efforts—that each individual
must take complete responsibility for his actions, and correspondingly, his
environment. Since every person must
advance by his own free will, and because of the karmic repercussions to
interference, a Brother is expressly forbidden to interfere in the
environment of another without the express invitation of that person. With
very few exceptions, any person who hears voices or thinks that he is being
contacted by Higher Beings is probably being subjected to harassment by lower
order entities. Brothers do not act in that way. One would never find a
Brother who would interfere in anothers’ environment by freely offering
advice. The Masters and High Adepts who help advance the Human Life Wave on
this planet use other indirect means of guiding mankind. What They do is
allow others to make their own decisions with no pressure or subliminal
tactics. They could, perhaps, confer with individuals who seek Their help
while functioning Egoically on the Astral Plane during sleep. Other methods
used by the Higher Beings to impart information are arranging situations
whereby a person would come upon a book or an article in a magazine, or would
hear a radio show that has information pertaining to a problem at hand. |